$ 3.06
A34, V-BELT The Classical V-belt achieves power ratings considerably higher than most other belts available in the market. The compounds used to build up these belts are chosen to match the stipulated power ratings. Classical V-Belts offer distinct advantages towards increased safety on critical drives Replaces A189039 OC Length 1/2" X 36" Top Width 1/2" Depth 5/16" mega-cross: (1 to 16 of 16) Replaces: A189039 IH A-4L360 IND. 4L SECTION BELT Crossed From: AP34 DAYCO A34DC DEALERS CHOICE S7302 GSI/GRAIN SYSTEMS, INC 17913 BRAMEC CORP 382744 BOSTWICK-BRAUN 58764C1 CASE/IH 610462R1 CASE/IH 62034 TSC CANADA 62379C1 CASE/IH 678-8285 ORGILL 6788285 ORGILL 700708531 IHC 72026081 ALLIS CHALMERS 886564 FAMILY FARM & HOME
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